Uses of Class

Packages that use BitVector
net.wimpi.modbus.facade Provides facade pattern implementations. 
net.wimpi.modbus.msg Provides interfaces and classes that encapsulate Modbus messages in an object oriented manner. 
net.wimpi.modbus.util Provides utility and helper classes for the Modbus implementation. 

Uses of BitVector in net.wimpi.modbus.facade

Methods in net.wimpi.modbus.facade that return BitVector
 BitVector ModbusUDPMaster.readCoils(int ref, int count)
          Reads a given number of coil states from the slave.
 BitVector ModbusTCPMaster.readCoils(int ref, int count)
          Reads a given number of coil states from the slave.
 BitVector ModbusSerialMaster.readCoils(int unitid, int ref, int count)
          Reads a given number of coil states from the slave.
 BitVector ModbusUDPMaster.readInputDiscretes(int ref, int count)
          Reads a given number of input discrete states from the slave.
 BitVector ModbusTCPMaster.readInputDiscretes(int ref, int count)
          Reads a given number of input discrete states from the slave.
 BitVector ModbusSerialMaster.readInputDiscretes(int unitid, int ref, int count)
          Reads a given number of input discrete states from the slave.

Methods in net.wimpi.modbus.facade with parameters of type BitVector
 void ModbusUDPMaster.writeMultipleCoils(int ref, BitVector coils)
          Writes a given number of coil states to the slave.
 void ModbusTCPMaster.writeMultipleCoils(int ref, BitVector coils)
          Writes a given number of coil states to the slave.
 void ModbusSerialMaster.writeMultipleCoils(int unitid, int ref, BitVector coils)
          Writes a given number of coil states to the slave.

Uses of BitVector in net.wimpi.modbus.msg

Methods in net.wimpi.modbus.msg that return BitVector
 BitVector WriteMultipleCoilsRequest.getCoils()
          Returns the BitVector instance holding coil status information.
 BitVector ReadCoilsResponse.getCoils()
          Returns the BitVector that stores the collection of bits that have been read.
 BitVector ReadInputDiscretesResponse.getDiscretes()
          Returns the BitVector that stores the collection of bits that have been read.

Methods in net.wimpi.modbus.msg with parameters of type BitVector
 void WriteMultipleCoilsRequest.setCoils(BitVector bv)
          Sets the BitVector instance holding coil status information.

Constructors in net.wimpi.modbus.msg with parameters of type BitVector
WriteMultipleCoilsRequest(int ref, BitVector bv)
          Constructs a new WriteMultipleCoilsRequest instance with given reference and coil status.

Uses of BitVector in net.wimpi.modbus.util

Methods in net.wimpi.modbus.util that return BitVector
static BitVector BitVector.createBitVector(byte[] data)
          Factory method for creating a BitVector instance wrapping the given byte data.
static BitVector BitVector.createBitVector(byte[] data, int size)
          Factory method for creating a BitVector instance wrapping the given byte data.

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