
Provides I/O and transport related interfaces and classes.


Interface Summary
ModbusTransaction Interface defining a ModbusTransaction.
ModbusTransport Interface defining the I/O mechanisms for ModbusMessage instances.
NonWordDataHandler Interface implementing a non word data handler for the read/write multiple register commands (class 0).
Transportable Interface defining a transportable class.

Class Summary
ASCIIInputStream Class implementing a specialized InputStream which decodes characters read from the raw stream into bytes.
ASCIIOutputStream Class implementing a specialized OutputStream which encodes bytes written to the stream into two hexadecimal characters each.
BINInputStream Class implementing a specialized InputStream which handles binary transmitted messages.
BINOutputStream Class implementing a specialized OutputStream which duplicates bytes written to the stream that resemble a frame token.
BytesInputStream Class implementing a byte array input stream with a DataInput interface.
BytesOutputStream Class implementing a byte array output stream with a DataInput interface.
FastByteArrayInputStream This class is a clean room implementation of the ByteArrayInputStream, with enhancements for speed (no synchronization for example).
FastByteArrayOutputStream This class is a clean room implementation of the ByteArrayOutputStream, with enhancements for speed (no synchronization for example).
ModbusASCIITransport Class that implements the Modbus/ASCII transport flavor.
ModbusBINTransport Class that implements the Modbus/BIN transport flavor.
ModbusRTUTransport Class that implements the ModbusRTU transport flavor.
ModbusSerialTransaction Class implementing the ModbusTransaction interface.
ModbusSerialTransport Abstract base class for serial ModbusTransport implementations.
ModbusTCPTransaction Class implementing the ModbusTransaction interface.
ModbusTCPTransport Class that implements the Modbus transport flavor.
ModbusUDPTransaction Class implementing the ModbusTransaction interface for the UDP transport mechanism.
ModbusUDPTransport Class that implements the Modbus UDP transport flavor.

Package Description

Provides I/O and transport related interfaces and classes.

Package Specification

Related Documentation

For an overview, information on architecture, guides, and further developer documentation, please see:

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